Has the area around Point Zero been cleared of old, dark, bad energy? Is the energy still there? Why nearly 3,000 people died? Has their karma been balanced? Have they become helpless victims? Or was it the acceleration of their karma so that their sins were washed away in one lifetime, and not many? Are there similar places in our country or in the world? Can we still prevent similar events?
After a long meditation, I got the impression that Edgar Cayce said, "There are no accidents. There are no casualties." People on a certain level of consciousness understand and usually agree on any way their karma is explained. Most of the cell phone messages heard by friends and relatives of the people who died on 9/11 are incredibly cool and calm. Among the victims of 11/9, calm prevailed, as if they knew what was happening and agreed to it.
Many people couldn't understand or explain how they sat at their desks one minute drinking coffee, then suddenly found themselves on the street in front of the WTC, still holding a cup of coffee in their hand. Many people did not remember and were unaware when they left the building and crossed the street safely.
September 11 was an indescribable tragedy. However, many blessings have been mixed up in this tragedy. For example, all the children in Battery Park City found in their rooms and schools survived, and so did many residents and their pets. There were also employees of the World Trade Center who survived because they missed the train or overslept.
September 11 should be an appeal to all of us. We must appreciate the beauty and blessings of our country. We need to strengthen and increase our relationship with God. We must obey our own inner and angelic guide who is God.
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